Sun Club
Hole in tum

People are getting illusion tattoos around their navels, and some are VERY rude

Inking addicts are using the natural indent in their tummies to create 3D-looking tattoos, often with very amusing results

SOMEBODY call the Tattoo Fixers - these designs take the novelty tatt to a hole new level.

Brave body art fans are getting wacky etchings inked around their navels.

Last year, the Tattoo Fixers were called in to cover-up this cheeky tatt... but the Channel 4 guest isn't the only one to brave a navel inking

By using the natural indentation of the belly button, people are giving their illustrations a three-dimensional feel.

While some decide that this hole will represent an animal's mouth, others go for MUCH ruder designs.

A cat's behind and monkey's bottom are among the cheeky creations to be shown off by inking addicts.

Here are the best navel tatts to be flaunted on Instagram...


You've gotta be kitten!


Monkeying around


Wild thing


Creative genius or simply despicable?


Spotted on the web


Paws for thought


Flower power


Eye spy


Face off


Belly flop


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This isn't the first tattoo trend to sweep Instagram in recent months.

Nose tatts have taken off recently.

And others have removed their socks and showcased the bizarre designs they’ve had inked onto their feet.
