I tattooed my eyeballs & even removed my NOSE to look like a ‘human zombie cat’ – people can’t believe the difference

A YOUNG woman has undergone dozens of body modification surgeries to transform herself into a “human zombie cat”.
Aydin Mod has been hooked on altering her appearance since the age of 11.
She started out piercing her own face with a needle in the bathroom and has now gone through countless surgeries in a bid to achieve the extreme look.
The 23-year-old has even removed her nose and naval, had implants inserted into her forehead, got multiple tattoos and "scarification", and had her eyeballs tattooed.
At the age of 15, she went on to slice her own tongue in two to further change her look.
Now, she is getting closer to her desired – and very unique – dream appearance.
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“To me, body modifications are natural, and amputations are also a need,” Aydin, a model and circus performer from Italy, told .
“There’s nothing I’d consider too much or have trouble healing, my body accomplishes everything I want to do.
“I’m the owner of [my body] so if my mind decides a thing, my body just finds a way too.”
While she says her most “extreme” modification was , Aydin has recently undergone a drastic change – having her nose removed and having "scarification" on her face.
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To accentuate the cat-like appearance, the inkings have a tiger-esque striped appearance, covering her chest, neck, and cheeks.
Her remaining nose itself is almost as petite as a moggy's, with upturned nostrils and a flatter appearance.
Some older modifications include pierced vagina lips and chunky piercings above her lips, through which she can poke her split tongue.
She has also had countless piercings and inkings over the past 12 years.
Aydin describes herself as “against natural beauty” and a “body horror queen”.
“I decided looking like a zombie stray cat suits me more as I do feel a bit dead inside," she joked.
Are eyeball tattoos dangerous?
Eyeball tattooing is an incredibly dangerous and rare procedure.
It is unlike other tattoos because it involves injecting ink into the think layer of tissue that covers your eyeball.
The injected ink then spreads throughout the eyelid, however, there is a risk that it could spread beyond the injection sites, and cause permanent damage.
Eyeball tattooing has been banned or restricted in some countries, and many tattoo artists are uncomfortable with carrying out the procedure.
“In my opinion, cutting your hair and doing your nails, dying your hair or shaving – that’s all still body modification.
“Not permanent, but you alter the natural state of the body in a certain way.”
Aydin has had so much work done that she finds it impossible to calculate the total expense or number of modifications her body has undergone.
Her look has proved popular, if divisive, on social media, where she has garnered millions of views.
My only hope is that I get to evolve as I please until my last day on Earth
Aydin Mod
Her most viral video, which reached 67 million views, showed Aydin poking her split tongue through holes she has made above her lips – showing off two surgical modifications in one go.
But she doesn’t let any commentary – either positive or negative – affect her.
Aydin told Jam Press: “Honestly, I rarely pay attention to comments, both positive and negative ones, I think they’re just irrelevant opinions dictated by ignorance and personal tastes."
“The only person I have to please is myself.
"For example, people call me ‘ugly’ but I don’t even consider it an insult, to be honest.
“I am a normal person, I’m living my best life and if someone is not cool with it they can just stay away from me.
“Luckily, I have to say that I have a lot of support and I’m surrounded by lovely people, I don’t have any struggle with dealing with people in public just because of my appearance.
"Usually I get along more with people who have different lifestyles than mine, which is surprising."
Aydin’s mindset is that “nothing is permanent as we are all going to die” – perhaps helping her to make the more extreme decisions when it comes to changing her body.
“My only hope is that I get to evolve as I please until my last day on Earth," she added.