I had lip filler & it went completely wrong – the skin on my face turned red raw and peeled off, my doctors were baffled
Scroll down to find out the dangers of getting lip filler
AN influencer was left in shock after his lip filler went completely wrong, causing the skin on his face to turn red, raw, and peel off.
Charlie Michael Baker, 18, revealed how doctors were left baffled after he developed a severe case of psoriasis from “scalp to toe”.
He disclosed that a beauty professional had given him 18 injections over a period of five months, despite him being only 16, when the legal age for administering fillers was 18.
Charlie, who became a best-selling author, is from Leyland, Lancashire. He eventually went to the doctors after the “horrific” flare-up.
They diagnosed him with psoriasis, which started spreading all over his body.
Charlie, who has explained that he spent around “three to four grand” on steroid creams as the condition continued to flare up.
Speaking to the , he says: “My skin was just peeling off. I couldn’t even wear make-up.
“It was so red and so dry and so itchy. At points I just felt like going into the kitchen, getting a knife and just cutting the skin off.
“I would sleep on one side and it would burn.”
Charlie explained that prior to the fillers, he hadn’t suffered from this type of skin condition.
He found that the steroid creams were not working, so doctors prescribed him with immunosuppressants which have mostly cleared the skin condition up.
It all began when Charlie was 16 and reached out to a person that does filler on Instagram, asking if they’d like to work together.
He claims that she had agreed to give his “fillers for free” in exchange for him to post about it.
But not long after Charlie started the beauty tweakment, he claims that he would start to get patches on his face.
When he went back to the injector, he was told “it was an allergic reaction to fast food.”
He said: “As a skin specialist injecting lip fillers into my face, she tried telling me it was a Big Mac. So I immediately cut all contact with her.
“I went to the GP and found out that it was psoriasis. As soon as I said I’d had lip filler the doctor’s eyes widened.”
Doctors put it down to a “chemical imbalance in” his gut and when the filler broke down, it was passing through and his “gut wasn’t strong enough to withstand the chemicals in that certain type of filler.”
This ultimately caused a “massive inflammation.”
What are the risks of lip fillers?
THE RISKS of dermal fillers depend on whether the procedure was done correctly and the type of filler used.
The NHS recommends you speak to your practitioner about the risks beforehand.
Serious problems are rare but can include:
- Infection
- A lumpy appearance under the skin, which might need to be treated with surgery or medicine
- The filler moving away from the intended treatment area, which may need to be removed using surgery
- Scarring
- Blocked blood vessels in the face, which can cause tissue death and permanent blindness
You should see your GP if you have any complications that need medical attention and speak to your practitioner if you’re not happy with the results or experience lumpiness.