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OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today.


AUG 24 - SEPT 22

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a virgo sign that is on a brown background

You don’t just visualise great new creative Virgo outlets this week, you can start making them reality.

Step one is to believe in your own skills, and rate your contribution to a group, or a project.

Pride is positive, when it is deserved.

A conversation linked to children may be hard to start, or finish, but it’s important to keep trying.

Luck wears a pattern of initials.

DESTINY DAYS: Tuesday and Wednesday, set up cast-iron cash systems – and check back to a past payment.  

Saturday and Sunday, finish everything you start.

What your zodiac sign says about your home decor

LUCKY LINKS: A ring with a round red stone.  

A song with some Spanish in the lyrics.

Your workmate who always brings in their own food.

VIRGO SECRET SKILL: Instead of saving up secrets, you can get all your
opinions and ideas out there – and encourage others, especially younger people, to follow suit. 

Results can be an eye-opener!

RUNE REVELATIONS  Your rune is EHWAZ, representing the unspoken
bond between a horse and its rider - and the way true communication can triumph despite the temptations and trials all around it.  

This is a positive symbol for love – but the kind that’s based on genuine two-way care, rather than a flashy surface.

Fabulous is the home of horoscopes, with weekly updates on what’s in store for your star sign as well as daily predictions.

You can also use our series of guides to find out everything from which star sign to hook up with for the steamiest sex to what it’s like to live your life totally by your horoscope.
