I’m a teacher – yes we do moan about parents in the staff room, and your kids spill the most private things

A TEACHER has revealed the ‘secrets’ on what they really think about parents and their kids.
Taking to online forum Mumsnet, the teacher, who decided to remain anonymous, gave an honest insight into what other parents can be like.
The news came after someone wrote a post asking for people to “confess” about their work.
“Taxi driver? Nurse? Wedding dress shop owner?
“Tell us your job and your confessions/inside secrets.
“I'm expecting a few name changes!”
This caused many people to confess up, including a couple of teachers.
One wrote: “Teachers do talk about the parents in the staff room.
“And your kids talk about you. A lot!
“You'd be horrified ... I was. I definitely started wondering what the hell my four [children] might be saying.”
Most read in Fabulous
This caused other teachers to also confess, with one writing: “I worked in a nursery for a year a long time ago. I heard all sorts about parents!
“Probably worse than schools because pre-schoolers have NO filter!”
Another then said: “A parent once came in to query this over the top tale her child had told her about something happening at school.
“She asked the HT [head teacher] if it was true.
“He said no, she said her son was very convincing.
“HT said 'look, let's work together. If you don't believe everything he says about school, we won't believe everything he says about home!”
It really sucks that those who are most unreasonable and awful to deal with get the best treatment but it's true
Holiday rep
And it wasn’t just teachers that were confessing up, there was one from a holiday rep too.
The anonymous Mumsnet user wrote: “Holiday rep here.
“The bigger fuss you kick up about hating your holiday/ wanting a refund/ going to the press, the bigger chance you have of actually getting any compensation.
“It really sucks that those who are most unreasonable and awful to deal with get the best treatment but it's true.”
Whilst a beauty therapist revealed: “Confession of an ex beauty therapist.... when you come for your waxing session we KNOW if you haven't showered beforehand.”
And a former estate agent said: “It's quite common for estate agents to use their clients' properties to meet their affair partners to have sex.”
A cleaner also wrote: “Keep on the cleaners good side.
“We go all round the building and some of you are very careless with what you say in front of us because we are ‘just the cleaner.’”
Secrets of a school headteacher
By the Secret Schoolteacher
I STARTED working in schools in 1996, when parents respected teachers and left us alone to do our jobs. Not any more.
Nowadays parents think nothing of barging into schools to read teachers the riot act if their precious child has been told off, or they’ll send angry emails in the middle of the night. Warning — it doesn’t make you popular.
I’ve worked in all manner of schools across the south west of England, from state schools to private, and I can tell you that right now many teachers are dreading the start of the new school year.
They’re braced for tears and tantrums, not just from their pupils but from their parents too.
Believe me, if you are an annoying parent it will spread round the staff room like wildfire.
So whether it’s your kid’s first day at a new school, or they’re moving up a year, these are the things you do that drive teachers crazy . . .
Parents often turn up at the school gates complaining how frazzled they are, moaning that teachers must have had a nice long holiday while their six weeks stuck with the kids was the worst.
Nothing could be further from the truth. For the first two weeks I’ll almost certainly have been struck down by a lurgy which always seems to strike on the first day of the holiday.
The next two weeks might have been an actual holiday, just like the average Brit takes in the summer, followed by two weeks of frantic lesson planning and administration.
Also, consider that I’ve probably been working over 50 hours per week during term time. Contrary to popular opinion, we don’t clock off at 3pm.
Instead, we’re roped into all manner of after-school activities and meetings before going home to do marking and more lesson planning. Please don’t turn up and make sarcastic remarks about our “six weeks off”.
We won’t be happy.