I started getting up at 5 am to go to the gym before work – my secret is the ‘Kaizen method,’ willpower isn’t enough
A HARDWORKING man shared the unique process he followed to ensure that he would get up early to go to the gym before work.
His secret hack to success is the "Kaizen method," which works well when willpower isn't enough and you want to get your workout in.
Reddit user Disciplinemotivation explained in a that he had started a new job and had a much longer commute.
To ensure he was up and ready to hit the gym by 5:30 am, he used a specific method to keep himself from snoozing his alarm in the morning.
"The most important thing is that you take willpower out of the equation," he said.
The technique he followed is the Kaizen method, an "approach to creating continuous movement in your life, according to .
"Picture every little step and action you will need to perform to get out of bed," he said of the first step.
He noted that this works in every aspect of life, even though it's best known as a company strategy.
The original poster found that it took him a total of 12 steps to get up and ready to start his day.
First, his phone alarm goes off at 5 am to wake him up.
He then opens his eyes and takes a deep breath before counting down from five and jolting up into a sitting position.
He called this step the "backbone" of the method.
It focuses on "eliminating waste, improving productivity, and achieving sustained continual improvement in targeted activities and processes of an organization.
According to founder Masaaki Imai, "Kaizen means improvement. Moreover, it means continuing improvement in personal life, home life, social life, and working life."
The five principles of Kaizen are to create customer value, create flow efficiency, be Gemba or workplace-oriented, empower and engage people, and create visual standards.
It can be applied to several industries and fields, including healthcare, engineering, automotive, construction, pharmaceuticals, as well as your personal life.
By following the principles daily, it can lead to more productivity and structure.
Once he is up and moving, fill a glass with cold water and gulp it down.
He then goes onto his balcony and takes a deep breath while stretching.
"Guys this part is absolutely crucial if you want to wake up okay? MOVE YOUR BODY, take deep breaths, and allow the cold to wake up," he said.
He said he doesn't leave the spot until he feels like he is fully awake.
Do jumping jacks or anything that you feel might help you; it doesn't matter as long as you move your body and breathe in cold air," he added.
Before stepping back inside, the Reddit user looks up at the sky to "release natural hormones in the brain" that wake him up.
"This function is severely impaired in people who drink a lot of coffee because they build up a tolerance," he explained.
Finally, he puts on his workout clothes, grabs his gym bag, and heads out the door.
The Redditor noted that the process got him to the gym at 5:30 every day, but he didn't force himself to work out at first.
"I just told myself to walk through the door and get into the gym. Whatever I did was extra at first," he explained.
"Some days you will be so tired that your brain will be like 'I can't do 45 minutes of training,' and then you can say 'I don't need to do 45 minutes of training. I just need to walk through the door.'"
He added that it is "so important" to "reward yourself," saying he treats himself to a post-gym protein shake.
"Willpower alone will fail you. Picture over and over what you want to be doing when the alarm goes off until you know it by heart," he advised.