I’m a hot mum and love wearing tiny outfits – people are always stunned by my mother-in-law’s reaction

A MUM who loves wearing skimpy outfits has revealed her family fully support her sexy style - with even her mother in law loving the lack of clothing.
Teacher turned model Courtney Tillia, 37, enjoys flaunting the flesh and decided a long time ago that she didn’t care what people say about her.
She admits many folk assume that her relatives might judge how she dresses.
But the reality couldn’t be further from the truth as her husband and the rest of her loved ones have her back.
She said: “They don’t say it to my face or around anybody that would take exception to their judgment.
“Anybody who is in my life at this point is there because they accept and celebrate who I am.
“I’m way more likely to be gassed up and encouraged than I am to be judged by people that I would consider friends or family.
“My mother-in-law was here with us for the summer while she recovered from back surgery.
“She’s usually around as I’m getting ready for events or photo shoots.
“She’s always very encouraging of my attire, never judgmental.”
However, she does dress down when appropriate to avoid any awkwardness.
And she doesn’t mind doing it when the occasion calls for a less daring fashion choice.
Courtney added: “My normal attire also isn’t abnormal for where we live in LA.
“Women in LA wear sports bras and bikinis out in public, especially around the beach - so it’s just normal.
“My string bikinis might be scandalous in other places.
“But it’s not shocking here for me to wear them to the beach or even a community pool.
“I usually keep a cover up in my car in case I need to run into our kids school after coming from the gym or anything like that.
“I don’t feel like I have anything to prove.
“I don’t have a problem dressing down a bit for certain environments or audiences and nobody has to ask me to do so.”
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