IT'S crêped UP ON US

What should you give up for Lent 2019 and how do you stick to your 40 day fast?

LENT is upon us and traditionally it is a time to give something up for 40 days.

But what should you pick and why do people do it?

Chocolate is a popular thing to give up, but you can choose anything you feel has a hold over your lifeCredit: Getty Images

What should you give up for Lent?

Lent was traditionally a time to fast and give up eating certain foods.

Participants often had one proper meal a day and one or two lighter dishes to sustain strength.

While some continue this practice, now the list is endless for what people choose to abstain from during the Lent period.

Many people cut out certain luxuries or indulgences in a bid to become healthier or to save money, but what should you choose this year?


Many people deprive themselves of alcohol or going to the pub, for health or financial reasonsCredit: Getty Images

How to stick to your Lent fast?

The good news is, six weeks isn't that long to go without something and the time frame is a small but fixed goal.

Being held accountable is a good way to keep you sticking to your guns, so do the challenge with someone else, or get people to keep checking you haven't caved.

Tick off the days you have achieved your goals to encourage you how on far you've come.


Why do we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?

As the day before Lent, Shrove Tuesday is the perfect time to get rid of any last minute indulgences – and use up any fatty foods.

In the USA it’s known as Mardi Gras, which is French for "Fat Tuesday".

On this day, people stuff themselves with fatty foods before the abstinence of Lent kicks in.

The word "shrove" comes from the term "shrive", meaning to free yourself from sin.

The tradition of eating pancakes, believed to originate from pagan rituals, allows families to use up all their eggs, butter, milk and flour all in one dishCredit: Getty Images

In the past, families would be encouraged to clear out their cupboards to remove the fattening foods from their houses.

They needed to come up with an easy way of getting rid of temptation by throwing away their indulgent ingredients, so threw them into one simple meal.

The tradition of eating pancakes, believed to originate from pagan rituals, allows families to use up all their eggs, butter, milk and flour all in one dish.


Some people believe that pancakes represent the four pillars of the Christian faith - eggs for creation, flour for sustenance, salt for wholesomeness and milk for purity.

Who knew?!


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When does Lent start and what happens on Ash Wednesday?

The Lent fast, which began on Wednesday (March 6, 2019) on Ash Wednesday , it is a Christian tradition but many non-believers also get involved with the challenge.

Ash Wednesday gets its name from the placing of ashes on a repentant person's forehead.


It is the first day of Lent which lasts for 46 days until Easter Sunday.

Certain foods such as chocolate or vices like alcohol are abstained from for 40 days, traditionally to grow closer to God as Easter approaches.

The 40 days do not include Sundays which are not a day of fasting.

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