‘The only way to kill ivy’ gardening fans rave about 60p Aldi buy that will banish the plant from your garden for good

IF you are fed up with pesky ivy taking over your garden, fear not, you’ve come to the right place.
English ivy can cause havoc on gardens, houses, and trees but according to gardening enthusiasts, there could be a very simple way to banish it once and for all.
And don’t worry, you won’t need to go out and splash the cash on pricey products - in fact, there’s a 60p buy from Aldi that will work wonders to get rid of the plant from your garden for good.
And particularly for areas with mild temperatures and consistent moisture, the plant tends to be more invasive - so if you want to get rid of ivy in your garden, you’ll need to listen up.
A man named Steve Cockrill took to social media to ask for advice on how to get rid of ivy.
Thankfully, experts at the page, on Facebook, were on hand to help.
The gardening lover posted: "What's a good way to get rid of unwanted ivy?"
Facebook users then rushed to the comments to share their advice - as many said to cut the ivy down and then use something you probably have in your cupboard to get rid of the pesky stuff - bleach.
One man explained: "The only way to kill the ivy for good is to cut it as close to the ground and pour bleach on the roots.
"It will burn it and the ivy will die.”
He then added: “Don't pull off the large branches of a wall, cut off at different parts and it will fade and die off in a few days."
If you have ivy in your garden and you fancy giving this a try, you can grab bleach from any local supermarket.
Thanks to the Powerforce Thick Bleach from Aldi, this trick will cost you just 60p.
Following this, another user chimed in: "Cut it off at the base, cut slits in the base, pour neat bleach over the stump, then cover it with a bag and tape it up to protect wildlife from the bleach.
"The plant will take the bleach down to its roots and kill it completely."
Whilst someone else agreed: "Chop it at the base and remove as much as you can, then add bleach over it."
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Not only this, but another gardening whizz shared: "I have killed very old invasive ivy that has crawled up next door's house and literally thought would be impossible to get rid of.
“A large bottle of bleach killed the lot within days. It works."
But if you give this trick a try, it's important to make sure that when using bleach, you don’t splash it on other plants, it can kill them straight away.
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