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What is depression, what are the symptoms and is it different from anxiety?

ONE in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year and in England, yet there are still stigmas around the issue.

We explore how to tell if you or someone you love is depressed, and what you can do about it.

 Blue Monday is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year but what does it mean to suffer from depression?
Blue Monday is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year but what does it mean to suffer from depression?Credit: Getty Images

What is depression?

Depression is not just a feeling of unhappiness or being a bit fed up for a few days - which is common and totally normal.

Those who are suffering from depression can suffer from an immense feeling of sadness that can last for weeks and maybe even months.

Everyone is different and the condition can manifest itself in different ways but is often described as a total disconnect from all feelings of happiness.

warns against trivialising depression as not a genuine health problem on its website: "Some people think depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They're wrong – it is a real illness with real symptoms."

How is it different to anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension over the future, or the belief that something could go wrong.

Depression is a feeling of sadness or hopelessness about the future, instead of worry.

explain that: "Those with anxiety often find themselves feeling like something bad might happen and they're worried it will."

"Those with depression often assume a bad future and don't expect anything else or think there's anything worth preventing.

 If you think you are suffering from depression you should seek help from your GP as soon as possible so that you can start recovering
If you think you are suffering from depression you should seek help from your GP as soon as possible so that you can start recoveringCredit: Getty Images

Is it linked to project 84?

Project 84 is a campaign aiming to raise awareness of male suicide, with it being the biggest killer of men under 45 and three in four suicides are all male.

This Morning has thrown its support behind the campaign, with 84 life-size sculptures erected on top of the show’s studio at ITV.

Project 84 is an art installation created by US street artist Mark Jenkins.

The number is significant as it’s how many men take their own lives each week.

Unveiling the new installation and discussing the project on the show, Holly Willoughby said: “We are unveiling 84 life-sized sculptures – each representing a real man who has taken his own life, in the hope that it will stop people in their tracks, make them pay attention and get them talking."

The visual campaign has been spearheaded by ) and people are being encouraged to get involved using hashtag #project84.

How do you know if someone is depressed?

The symptoms for depression can be varied in different people.

A lot of people suffer from a lasting feeling of hopelessness and can sometimes lose interest in things that previously made them happy.

Sufferers can also become teary and struggle with the symptoms of anxiety.

Physical symptoms can include tiredness, poor sleeping patterns, lack of appetite and sex drive, as well as aches and pains.

At its most severe patients can become suicidal.


Depression can affect anyone and is a lot more than just a temporary feeling of sadness

How do you treat depression?

If you are concerned that you are suffering from depression, you should speak to a doctor immediately.

People tend to wait a long time to report their symptoms but they sooner the issue is reported the sooner people can begin to recover.

If you are worried about a loved one, you can call advice services like for free on 116 123.

Doctors may recommend a combination of lifestyle changes including, cutting down on alcohol consumption, eating more healthily or exercising more frequently.

Talking therapies are also available like Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and sometimes doctors prescribe antidepressants.

In severe cases, a combination of the two is recommended.

It is extremely important that you consult your GP in order to make a plan of action together.

Ricky Hatton opens up about his depression on Loose Women


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