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Is AI good for our gardens? We talk to experts to find out more

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IN the face of a lot of anxiety-inducing chat about AI taking over the world, up until now our gardens have remained the one last tech-free refuge. 

But if you think about it - without realising, we’ve already invited Artificial Intelligence in - and turns out, it’s no bad thing. 

Robot Mowers use AI to find the best way around your garden to mow
Robot Mowers use AI to find the best way around your garden to mowCredit: Getty

From robot lawnmowers and computerised irrigation systems to automated greenhouses and apps for soil and plant ID’s, it’s already in constant use. 

A group of boffins from all over the world have even recently published an on how robots could revolutionise gardens. 

So it's no surprise the RHS has just launched ‘ChatBotanist’ - an AI-epowered tool to provide an abundance of advice to gardeners.

Director of Membership, Marketing and Digital Martine Parnell told Sun Gardening: “The RHS has a team of 32 advisors answering our members’ questions on a daily basis - from beginners through to experts - and the ChatBotanist is not going to replace them. 

“It relies on getting information from five years worth of advice already handed out by RHS experts - meaning you can get instant answers, standing in your garden in your wellies,  instead of having to get wait for advisor’s answer.”

Another area AI is proving fruitful, is Garden Design AI websites, where you can plan, layout and visualise all your ideas online.

Garden designed and presenter Mark Lane advises caution with AI in gardens
Garden designed and presenter Mark Lane advises caution with AI in gardensCredit: BBC

BBC Live Gardening presenter Mark Lane told Sun Gardening: “AI can design gardens, but as a garden designer and gardener, the personal touch, getting to know the client and their aspirations is key to creating an accessible and inclusive design that works for them perfectly.

"Losing the human element will, in my opinion, make the process dry and sterile.

“But being told how to care for a plant, when to water it, how to feed it, how to propagate it with instructional videos is not something to sniff at. 

“If AI helps beginners and the more seasoned gardener then surely, we should embrace it."

He added: “I do fear that new online outlets may appear with information compiled by AI bots, searching the Internet for every piece of information. But, as we know, not all information on the Internet is correct, so I think we shall need to check the information given.” 

Amanda Kincaid, Marketing Manager at STIGA UK, said: “The future of gardening with AI heralds a time when hours and hours of lawn maintenance and manually tending to the garden will become a thing of the past.

"STIGA’s green-fingered engineers have created truly autonomous robot mowers which are using ground-breaking technology to nurture lawns accurately resulting in a naturally healthier garden. 

"This new AI innovative technology not only offers superb and precise grass cutting but also a much kinder and more sustainable way of looking after lawns. 

"By designing high-efficiency robots that can manage cutting sessions during daylight hours, STIGA has ensured that nocturnal animals such as hedgehogs can safely occupy the garden overnight”

But Seonaid Royale, owner of London-based Garden Design and Maintenance company urged caution in fully embracing AI.

She said: "I have thought about AI in garden design. I think it's an interesting idea to play with, and I can see if being very useful for mood board generation.

"But as each design I do is lead directly from a specific site and a specific client with needs that I have to listen to and translate into a brief and concept - I can't see it being an easy fix."

Conor Gallagher, from , which finds outside spaces for gardeners - has already launched chatbot Hazel assistance.

He said: “If you’re new to gardening, it’s not always possible to get to a garden centre or easy to wade through, compare, and contrast the glut of advice that emerges from a Google search. 

“We live in an era where almost every service is available at your fingertips, and why shouldn’t gardening be the same? People can ask Hazel what plants will be best suited for the conditions where they live, order seeds from AllotMe’, and have them delivered to their door or plot all in one space. It’s a one stop shop. 

“We’re here to break barriers to growing for all generations, and a crucial part of that is dragging gardening into the 21st century.”


THIS coming Monday is ‘Blue Monday’ - supposedly the most depressing day of the year. 

It's the time when we’re struggling financially, the weather is rubbish and most of us have failed our New Year’s resolutions. 

Barnsdale gardens - created by the late Geoff Hamilton - is bursting with colour
Barnsdale gardens - created by the late Geoff Hamilton - is bursting with colourCredit: Steve Hamilton 2013. All international rights reserved.

But we all know that getting outside always lifts our moods, and now new research by the charity, has proved it. 

Report author, Dr Emma White, said: “Our survey respondents felt that winter is the perfect time to observe the emergence of  new growth and experience the unique joy of spring flowering bulbs and appreciate the structure of a well-designed garden.”

So here’s a selection of Winter Gardens for you to visit to banish those blues for good. 


A CORONER has issued a report about the dangers of eating Yew foliage, after a 14 year old boy died after ingesting berries and leaves on a walk with his dad. 

Benn Curran-Nicholls collapsed a few hours after a walk through Fletcher Moss Park in Didsbury, Manchester in September 2022. 

Yew berries and leaves can be fatal if ingested
Yew berries and leaves can be fatal if ingestedCredit: Getty

An inquest last month heard Benn, who had severe autism, enjoyed climbing the yew tree they passed on daily therapeutic walks, and his father had no idea of the danger.

The coroner said yew tree poisoning in humans is rare but "a number of cases had been reported”.


AN edible skate park, a gut health garden and a tropical forest with more than 313 different plant species rarely seen at Chelsea Flower Show are just some of the offerings at the All About Plants line-up at this year’s May RHS show. now. 


START buying potatoes now, so you can begin chitting them - leaving them on the windowsill to sprout - in the next few weeks. They’ll be ready to plant as soon as it warms up. 


Chillies need a long growing season, so start now indoors in a seed tray, or 10cm pots - and if you don’t have a heated propegator, use a clear plastic bag for protection. 

Spice up your life by getting chillie seeds going now in pots on your windowsill
Spice up your life by getting chillie seeds going now in pots on your windowsillCredit: Getty - Contributor


Now the heatings turned up, your indoor plants need some attention. Splash out on this watering can for £62

The Fazely Flow Copper indoor watering can holds two pints
The Fazely Flow Copper indoor watering can holds two pintsCredit: Not known, clear with picture desk

Or bag a from Amazon for £20.99

Fake it til you make it with this lovely copper watering can from Amazon
Fake it til you make it with this lovely copper watering can from AmazonCredit: Not known, clear with picture desk


Q. We were given this plant as a gift. Can you give us any information about what it is, and advice on how to look after it correctly? Philip Ainsworth, via email.

Pachira Aquatica
Pachira AquaticaCredit: supplied

A. It’s a Pachira Aquatica - also known as a Money Tree - from South and Central America - which according to legend, locks in good fortune.

"It likes a bit of misting now and then, and the sun.

"It will be fine on your windowsill for now but in summer it doesn’t like direct sunlight so just keep an eye.

"Feed it once a month, or every four waters with 'houseplant feed' and  make sure the top few centimetres of the surface has dried out a little bit before watering.

"Also, try to not keep moving it, so it doesn’t get stressed. 


WE'RE getting ever closer to that magical moment where snowdrops push through the soil, and we can all heave a great big sigh of relief that Spring is on it's way.

Snowdrops herald the beginning of Spring and we've got lots to give away
Snowdrops herald the beginning of Spring and we've got lots to give awayCredit: yougarden.com

To celebrate, we're offering TEN lucky readers an amazing pack of single and double snowdrops from our friends at YouGarden - worth over £30 each.  

To enter visit mcb777.site/WINSNOWDROPS

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Include your name, age, email or phone. UK residents 18+ only. Ends 23.59GMT 27/01/24.