Want to stop your clothes from stinking without washing them? You need to abandon posh scents & head to the BOOZE aisle

A MUM has revealed the hack she uses to get bad odours out of clothes and the secret is in the booze aisle.

The cleaning fan said recently discovered vodka was an effective way to rid clothes of bad smells.

A mum has revealed the hack she uses to get bad odours out of clothes and the secret is in the booze aisle

The cleaning fan said recently discovered vodka was an effective way to rid clothes of bad smells

She said: “As a mum, I am always sanitising and removing odours from something. Now I’ve got a new hack for that, too!”

The creator said she discovered the hack after noticing that her costume department had bottles of vodka around. 

She said: “You guys, I have to share this tip with you because I was just using it and I was like, I have to share this on TikTok Vodka?”

“I thought this entire time the costume department was just a bunch of alcoholic drunks.”

“Then I was doing a costume fitting a while back and I saw another bottle of vodka, and I was like, alright, something else is up.”

Eventually she got curious enough to start asking questions.

She said: “And I was like, why do you guys always have vodka in the costume department?

“And she’s like, oh, that’s to sanitise the clothing. And I was like, excuse me?”

Since then the mum said she has been using the hack around the house. 

She said: “Now I get the cheapest, highest alcohol content vodka you can find.”


“Now I’m like, spraying mattresses, spring shoes. It gets the odour.”

The cleaning fan said the vodka was odourless and helps sanitise the clothes. 

She said: “The vodka completely dries odourless, and it sanitises and removes smells.”

“I feel really guilty for thinking they were just drunks this whole time, but now I’m running around, like, spraying shoes and everything with vodka and no smell when it dries.”

The hack racked up over 873,000 views online. 

One user said: “As a professional dry cleaner for 25 + years. Yes this is what we used in football uniforms.”

Another user joked: “After spraying the entire house the kids go to sleep so much faster now!!!”

“It’s the best way to get smoke smell out of clothes,” said a third. 

A fourth claimed: “I’m gonna use this for my dogs beds, tired of washing them every week.”

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