Madonna’s people will be scared to tell her to take a break but plastic surgery won’t halt aging, says expert
MADONNA’S touring capabilities have continued to hang by a thread as she recovers at home after a serious infection and ICU stay.
But a celebrity personal trainer has warned the 64-year-old's team not to dilute the truth surrounding the exact state of her health.
On June 24, Madonna’s manager Guy Oseary posted on Instagram that the megastar had been hit by a severe bacterial infection.
This had sent her into a Manhattan intensive care unit where she was supposedly intubated.
According to the mom of six had been found collapsed at home. Madonna ended up hospitalized for several days.
The Papa Don't Preach singer was discharged and is recuperating alongside her family and team in New York.
“Madonna will need to be given the exact science behind the prognosis.
“Only then can she process the information and respond to it.
“Madonna is somebody who seems very much in control of her own destiny and life.
“Most of the people around a celebrity of that profile, magnitude, and stature are afraid to say things that they really feel.
“So the health of that person can become jeopardized because no one is telling them they need to take a big break.
“She has to respect what is going on and take the advice of professionals.
In May, one showed Madonna rehearsing complex moves with her dance team.
At one point Madonna said: "I'm f**king exhausted - but I'm so happy."
She said: "It was probably the hardest tour I've ever done."
In 2020, during her Madame X tour, Madonna pulled out of the start of the UK section because of health concerns.
“Proper sleep is also more important than ever.
“Yoga, meditation, and breathwork need to be a part of her routine to replenish rather than deplete her energy.
“A diet that caters to proper nutrition to support her athleticism is very, very important, especially as she ages.
“Almost no alcohol is best, she needs hydration with not only water but adding proper electrolytes.
"She would need foods that are high in fiber for proper elimination.
“Madonna is known for her costumes and that is fabulous.
“But sometimes less is more and will allow her time between songs to just breathe more.
“The corset and fishnets costumes must be very restricting and hard for her to get into.
“She would need to keep things simpler and more energy efficient.
“Behind-the-scenes, tours are very stressful.
“She is surrounded by so many people and gives energy all the time so she is always kind of ‘on.’
“Madonna is asking her body to do a very high level of performance.
“There have been many less physical shows from the likes of Cher or Dianna Ross, who have continued to be on stage.
“These stars move less and while the audience is understanding, performers must respect their newer older selves on stage.
“Pushing her body past its comfort zone may result in further hospitalization.
“It is always easier if you respect your new older self on stage and one with slight physical limitations but a greater heart and soul.”