, about what to look out for if you think your child may have ADHD, and what to do next.
"The 'classic' signs of ADHD are hyperactive and impulsive behaviours, along with difficulty with sustained concentration," Dr Davie told Fabulous Parenting Club.
"In practice this affects any situation when a child is expected to be still, listen or complete tasks.
"You may also notice that your child finds it hard to control their emotions.
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"ADHD often occurs alongside other neurodevelopment conditions like autism, so the features can get a bit muddled."
He added that it's unusual for paediatricians to confidently diagnose a child with ADHD until they're about five, because "they are changing so quickly up to this age".
If you do suspect your child has ADHD, and they are at school, then the "special needs coordinator is often a good person to start with", Dr Davie said.
"Depending on local arrangements, they may be able to refer your child directly for an assessment," he said.
"Otherwise you may need to go to your GP and ask them to refer you."
As a referral can often take a while, Dr Davie suggests you start reading up about ADHD.
When the referral comes through, you shouldn't expect that your child is given one specific "test" for ADHD.
"The condition is best assessed as part of an overall developmental assessment," Dr Davie explained.
"This will involve observation of your child in clinic, extensive interviews with you, and information from school.
What extra help do children with ADHD need?
1) Understanding and compassion. ADHD is a condition that makes some things (much) more difficult, but makes nothing impossible. We just need a bit of help with things!
2) ADHD is much easier to deal with when you have a healthy brain. Sleep, positive mood and exercise are all vital for ADHD brains.
3) Parents of ADHD children need support and encouragement. There are different things available in different areas. We find peer support and informational webinars are useful for pretty much every family. If the child is showing a lot of aggression or defiance, then more formal parenting support might be needed.
4) Children with ADHD will have additional needs in school. Schools have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for these needs. A conversation with the special needs coordinator soon after diagnosis can be really helpful here.
Annoyingly, these things are not always easy to obtain! Some areas are better at this kind of support than others, unfortunately.
At some point there will be a discussion of medication to help the child to control their 'hungry brain'.
Some people are keen to start this early, others want to try everything else they can first.
It's about what suits your child.
Dr Davie, paediatrician and co-founder of ADHD UK
"As well as looking for ADHD, the team should be looking at language, physical and social skills, as well as mental and physical health issues.
"You and school may be asked to complete questionnaires, especially if the picture is unclear.
"The team will then discuss and agree the diagnosis with you."
As for how long you can expect it to take from the first assessment through to a potential diagnosis, Dr Davie admitted it's "much longer than we would like".
"Right now, if it's less than a year from approaching school/GP to getting a diagnosis, you're doing well!" he said.
If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, it might be difficult to explain things to them - so why not try Dr Davie's tips?
"Depending on the age of the child, I often like to talk about the 'hungry brain'," he said.
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" The ADHD brain isn't hungry for food, but for stimulation, movement and emotion.
"This makes it an exciting brain to ride around in, but one that takes a lot of energy to keep under control!
"For younger children it's fun to extend this metaphor to talk about everyone's brain being a different type of dinosaur- so ADHD people have T-Rex brains, for example."