Five easy moves to start strengthening your post baby body & why sit-ups are the worst thing to do
FOR the majority of new mums, exercise might not be the biggest priority.
But it's important to strengthen your body and muscles after you've given birth.
But you should wait until your six week postnatal check before beginning any high-impact exercises, such as aerobics or running.
However, if you feel ready, there are some exercises you can start with as you get used to your new life as a mother.
Pelvic floor
Having been through pregnancy, you'll be well aware of the importance of exercising your pelvic floor muscles.
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These muscles strengthen the muscles around your bladder, vagina and bottom.
To exercise them, imagine you're trying to stop the flow of urine.
You can tighten for long periods, or short bursts, but make sure you keep breathing normally throughout.
The NHS advises building up to "10 repeats of each exercise, at least 3 times a day".
You need to be very careful when it comes to stomach exercises after giving birth.
It's very common for the two muscles that run down the middle of the stomach to separate - which is known as diastasis recti.
It can often go back to normal by the time your baby is eight weeks old, but there are exercises you can do to help strengthen your stomach.
Start by laying on your side with your knees slightly bent.
"Start by standing with your feet facing forward, slightly apart," she said.
"Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms at a ninety degree angle, dumbbells at your stomach.
"Raise the dumbbell in your right hand straight up over your head and, at the same time, lower the left dumbbell down by your side.
"Return both hands to the starting position. Repeat but this time, raise the left dumbbell and lower the right."
Squats are a brilliant way to strengthen your legs - and you can get your baby involved too.
If you have a sling, strap baby to your chest, and get bending.
If you have an older baby, you can hold them in front of you while squatting.
Stand with your feet a little further than hip width apart, and slightly turn out your toes.
Breathe in and, as you do so, bend at the hip.
Push your bottom back as your knees bend.
Make sure you keep your back straight, with a neutral spine - like you're about to sit down on a chair.
Squeeze your pelvic floor and abs as you return to a standing position.