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WE all know the pain of a loaf of bread going stale when it's only been open for a few days.

And as the cost-of-living crisis continues to soar, it's more important than ever to make food last.

Have you been wrapping your bread up wrong?
Have you been wrapping your bread up wrong?Credit: Getty
A hack to keeping your loaves fresh is doing the rounds on social media
A hack to keeping your loaves fresh is doing the rounds on social mediaCredit: Instagram/@reshsebu/

Foodies on social media are going wild over a hack that keeps bread fresh for days - and it's totally free.

According to a recent survey, Brits chuck away over £400 worth of food every year, and one of the items that ends up i the bin on a regular basis is bread.

But what if there was a way to keep it fresh for longer?

Well, food enthusiasts on Instagram reckon they've found a hack - and some say it's a total game-changer.

The simple trick was shared by TEDx speaker Reshma Sebastian, from Denmark, who claimed to have first found it on Pinterest.

Demonstrating the hack, Reshma took the plastic bag the bread was in and twisted it a few times.

Although she did it just once, some pointed out that the more you twist it, the tighter it becomes - which means less air entering the bag.

Once done, the savvy woman took the to section and pulled it downwards - and voila.

''Saw this on Pinterest a few years ago and from then on it's kind of my life hack,'' she told her followers.

Since being uploaded to the popular photo-sharing platform, has gone viral, racking up more than 5.3million views and thousands of comments.

It seems that the easy trick is already a staple in some households, with one writing: ''Did this on accident one day and never looked back.''


Someone else was wondering: ''that's not how everyone does it?''

Another insisted that she should've twisted it more, explaining: ''I don't think this is air-tight enough.''

''my life is a lie,'' a fourth was baffled by the discovery.

On the lookout for more food hacks? Well, people have finally realised how to turn off that annoying beeping from your microwave buttons - and it takes seconds.

One of those who gave this trick a go was Dustin Hadley, better known to his 197k fans as  on Instagram and TikTok.

According to him, all you need to do is press button number two for five seconds - and that's it, it will silence the buttons.

The man then set the timer for a few seconds to see if it actually worked - and there was no beeping whilst the food was cooking or when it was done.

Baffled, Dustin said: ''You're telling that for 40 years I've been fighting that microwave sound? No way.''

With over a whopping 38.2million views,  has certainly been a hit amongst fellow foodies, many of whom thanked Dustin for sharing the life-changing hack.

''Midnight snacks no longer will be heard!'' chuckled one fan.

Another was just as stunned by the discovery, writing: ''The more I’m on social media the more I feel like I been under a rock my whole life.''

However, not everyone seemed to be sold on the idea - some pointed out to potential downfalls of switching the beeping off.


''I would forget I put something in there and find it 3 days later,'' an Instagram user said.

''It didn’t work for me cause my 2 is express cook option,'' a fourth commented.
