I work out braless at the gym – someone called me out on my ‘inappropriate’ outfit, but they ended up getting banned
DURING a training session at her local gym, a woman was surprised when another fitness fanatic interrupted her workout.
The situation escalated when he berated her choice of undergarments, but once management got involved, things took a surprising turn.
According to the woman’s , the saga began while she was in the middle of a squat.
“A guy comes up to me, taps me on the shoulder to get my attention, and tells me that my nipples are poking through my shirt,” she recalled.
The woman confirmed she was braless, but dressed in a loose T-shirt and a lifting belt – her chest wasn’t on prominent display.
When she tried to ignore the unwelcome feedback, the man intruded into her personal space even more.
“I get really annoyed, try to finish my set, but then this f***er literally grabs the bar as I ascend and re-racks it for me,” the woman wrote.
The man quickly came up with an excuse, claiming it looked like the woman was “having trouble” with the final rep in her set.
“He had come over to make sure I could do it, then noticed my nipples,” she relayed.
But the Reddit user had set the safety bar, and wouldn’t need the stranger’s help in any scenario.
Still, the man insisted that going forward, she should wear a bra so others wouldn’t be “uncomfortable.”
That’s when she lost her temper.
“So I tell him, ‘You have bigger boobs and nipples than I do. Maybe YOU should wear a bra so people won’t get uncomfortable and you won’t fail your squats,'” she wrote.
The man cursed at her and stormed off, but that wasn’t , she revealed in a follow-up post.
The original poster admitted that she did start wearing bras again, though not due to the incident at the gym.
Still, she was wearing a bra when the rude man approached her weeks later – once again, mid-workout.
While the poster was recording her deadlifts so she could look at her form later, the man walked up and criticized her stance.
“I guess he sees that I was recording myself because then he asks if I have an Instagram,” she said. “I keep ignoring him.”
Then, he brought the conversation back to her chest again.
“See, your form is so much better now that you’re wearing a bra,” he told her.
The woman said she “lost it,” raising her voice at the man for “harassing” her, and caught the attention of a staff member.
Though the staffer missed the initial interaction, the woman had an ace up her sleeve.
“Because I had been recording my lifts, I actually had a video of him where he commented on my bra,” she said.
After showing the manager video evidence of the harassment, the facility gave the man a 30-day ban.
The manager also said that if the man ever harassed the Reddit poster again, he would be banned permanently.
Being in such a high-drama situation left the poster frustrated and exhausted, but after speaking with the gym management, she steeled her resolve.
“I guess I’ll have to keep calm and lift on,” she concluded.