We’re child development experts – how much screen time is good for kids & exactly when to allow them to watch TV

IT seems that screens, be it TV or phones, are a part of our everyday lives, so it's only natural for the next generation (our kids) to grow up using them too.

But how much is too much when it comes to technology and is there a right or wrong way to approach screen time? Well, it's complicated.

How much screen time is right for your kids? Our experts have the answers.
, tells Fabulous that families should reflect on why their kids use screens. Only then can they determine how often and how much they can be used.

"At times, children can be on screens as a means for parents to have 'quiet time', to avoid a conflict about the screen, or simply because it makes things easier during times when kids might be restless or impatient (while waiting for food in a restaurant, for example)," she says.

"But young children do not really need screens for their development. In fact, it’s the other way round: screen time usually takes them away from crucial activities for brain development.


"For example, being bored is very beneficial. Boredom means time to reflect, integrate, and come up with creativity and novelty. If a child can be consumed by social media every time they have a spare moment, they miss these experiences and developments."

Dr Amanda Gummer, founder of, agrees and says: "So long as you make sure screen time is not excessive and that children are getting of plenty of time across all forms of play, particularly active, social and imaginative then a small amount of playing apps, games or other screen usage is not detrimental.";

How long should kids be on screens?

"We do not feel it is our place to set strict limits as the amount of screen time depends a lot on what else a child is doing – this is something we would recommend each family to consider so you choose what is right for your situation," says Dr Amanda, who's a parenting expert and child psychologist.

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In saying that she does have a general guide for parents who wish to limit screen time.

says: "Generally speaking, it is advisable to avoid screens in the morning and 2 hours before bed.

"In the morning, it impacts the morning routine as children find it difficult to complete morning tasks if they are glued to the screen.


"In the evening, screens overwhelm the brain and impact the length and quality of sleep."

Screens before bedtime can mean that the next day, kids will feel less concentrated in school, more agitated, restless and at worst anxious, she explains.

"In addition, children who know they get screen time in the morning will start to naturally wake up earlier than they need, and start to build sleep deprivation issues, and sufficient sleep is crucial for their brain development," she adds.

As for limiting screen during the week? Well, the jury is out.


Dr Gummer says: "I'm always reluctant to dictate things like ‘weekends only’ but the general principle is that if screen time is beneficial to their development, keeping in touch with family/friends, or useful for homework/learning etc then you can be more relaxed about it."

But she warns, parents must have clear boundaries and expectations (ideally agreed with rather than dictated to your child)  about the mindless stuff is definitely a good idea.

Dr Ben-Ari agrees saying what days parents allow their kids to use screens "is their decision"


Regardless of what you decide, she says: "It is advisable to share your children’s screen time with them: to ask about their interests there, to see what they find interesting, to bridge some of the information and so on.

And warns: "There are short term effects of screen time (quiet time for parents to do their own thing is one of them, avoiding conflict and so on), and there are long-term impacts, and these long-term effects usually don't benefit young souls."

Dr. Amanda Gummer is a child psychologist and founder of The Good Play Guide