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I’m a baby sleep expert – how many naps your baby needs depending on their age & how to create the perfect schedule


OUR day-to-day often revolves around our baby's sleep schedule so getting it right can be a game-changer.

But it's hard to know how many naps your baby needs and how long they should sleep for.

Karen Miller is a baby and toddler sleep consultant and reveals how many naps your baby needs and how to transition away from them

Fabulous spoke with mum-of-two who's a certified baby and toddler sleep consultant and founder of

And according to her, getting your baby's nap schedule right helps to avoid your bub becoming over or under-tired. 

"Nailing babies naps can be a lifesaver for sleep," she says.

"Day sleep directly correlates with night sleep so if you can ensure babies get the right amount of day sleep for their age they should sleep better at night."

More babies' sleep tips

Working on naps consistently does take time she warns and is easier if you can stay indoors to ensure they get the best sleep. 

"Once established though, the shorter naps can be taken on the go so you don’t have to be chained to your house," she says.

"You can be more flexible by giving more sleep in the morning when you know they won’t get as much in the afternoon for example."

Here, she reveals exactly how many naps your baby needs depending on their age, and how long they should really snooze for.

How many naps your baby needs:

Babies 0-4 months 

This age group needs between 3-4 naps across the day. Duration varies between 1-2 hours. 

Babies 4-8 months 

This age group need just 3 naps across the day. Two shorter naps under an hour and one long two-hour nap in the middle of the day.

Babies 8-18 months

This age group need just two naps, a short one in the morning and longer lunchtime nap.

Toddlers 18 months plus

This age group need just one nap of two hours in the middle of the day until they turn 2.5-3 years old.

Tips for the perfect sleep schedule 

It's common for parents to set strict nap times for their babies, but Karen says you should avoid this up to six months old.

She says to use awake windows for the first six months of a baby's life instead.

This refers to the time a baby is awake between naps, rather than relying on the time they last went down to sleep.

Karen explains: "Awake windows are the periods of time a baby can biologically stay awake before needing a nap.

"If you see noticeable signs of tiredness including yawning and rubbing eyes, this can actually mean baby is overtired so it’s best to keep an eye on the time baby has been awake before they need a nap. "

Awake times vary by age but as a guide, Karen says you’re looking at no more than two hours for babies under five months, 2.5 hours from six months and moving towards three hours from eight months. 

From six months old, this is when you can switch to set nap times that work for you and bub.

These usually sit around 9.30am for the first nap and 12.30pm for the second nap, says Karen and the third nap is best taken between 4-5pm.

When will babies grow out of naps?

As baby grows, there will transition out of a naps. Sometimes on their own but not always.

"Do this slowly," Karen explains. "Cut the nap back by 10 mins every few days first to see if that makes a difference before cutting completely."


But don't worry if it seems like it's not working at first because it will take some time before bub adjusts to the new napping times.

And even if they appear more tired (which they probably will), Karen suggests persevering because too much day sleep can impact their night sleep.

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Babies will naturally grow out of naps in many cases