I’m a bikini model – men send me psycho abuse online, one day I had enough & exposed one

MODEL Lindsey Pelas has plenty of admirers, and it's not hard to see why.
But among her 8.6 million Instagram followers are a few sexist trolls who slide into her DMs and hurl horrific abuse – and unfortunately for them, they don't realize who they're dealing with.
was already pretty used to men's bad behavior by the time she found success as a model.
Speaking to The Sun, the 31-year-old stunner recalled how she was targeted as a teenager.
"At 18 years old, I worked at Hooters in Louisana and I didn’t know the can of worms that would open," she said.
"People would take photos of me and I would be berated on the internet, way before Instagram. Talking about my body type, making up personal relationships.
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"I would just be repeatedly abused. I was told I needed plastic surgery, that I’d had plastic surgery. I was told every contradiction under the sun just to abuse me."
Fast-forward over a decade later and she's had to develop a thick skin to deal with some of the men who message her on social media.
She's experienced "cruel haters, abuse, scary people, people praying for my demise."
"Some people will message me every single day psycho stuff. Threats," she said.
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"The majority of the abusive content on the internet is from men," she said, calling some of the messages "mean" and "obnoxious."
"Women really do not actively seek to harm me as much," she said, though she admitted they don't much seek her out, either.
She recalled one particular man who worked for a well-known company and "kept sending me disturbing messages."
"And one day I’d had enough. I looked up his LinkedIn and posted those messages to his workplace," she said.
"Because I truly feared that he worked with women and I couldn’t imagine someone who was so obsessed with violence toward women working with and controlling the paychecks of women.
"I went ahead and told his boss… they responded publicly and said they would look into it. He had to have been fired."
Lindsey admitted she will take similar action if she gets abusive messages from men who work in schools or around children.
The odd thing, of course, is that these men seem to like looking at her sexy photos – yet they don't treat her with respect.
The blonde bombshell said that men seem to get especially angry when they see a woman who is making money off her body or good looks.
Yet they don't seem to have the same issue if men are making money off of women's looks, she noted.
"A significant amount of industry has benefited from the beauty of women. Beer, football, cars, luxury anything, and even male celebrity," she said.
"They’ve used the body and beauty of women in music videos, in movies, and in magazines. It’s only a problem if women are paid directly for their own beauty.
"They’re offended when a woman makes the money and doesn’t have to pay a man through it. It’s such an obsolete idea."
But she stresses that there should be nothing wrong with a woman making money off her looks – especially in a "patriarchal society in which women are not represented fairly in government, in business, in politics."
"Women have to do what they can to make some cash, and hopefully, they use their voice while they make some cash," she said.
"In my opinion, women deserve money first," she went on.
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"Women need to equalize the financial playing field first so that we have an ecosystem to support each other so we’re paid for our talents beyond our beauty.
"But if this is the area we’re pigeonholed into, get the cash, ladies."