Sun Club

I’m a model – there’s a stigma to being sexy, people don’t realize I’m more than my big breasts and good looks

GLAMOUR model Lindsey Pelas is sexy and she's not hiding it.

But the 31-year-old blonde bombshell tells The Sun that being so unapologetically hot means people often mistake her for being dumb or mean – and not only are they wrong, but they're being manipulated into thinking that.

Glamour model Lindsey Pelas is sexy – and she's not hiding itCredit: Madelene Lisella
The 31-year-old blonde bombshell tells The Sun that being so unapologetically hot means people often mistake her for being dumb or meanCredit: Instagram/lindseypelas

"Unfortunately, I do think being beautiful means people don't take you seriously," Lindsey said.

"There's been a lot of my life where I've had to prove that I'm smarter and more talented, [that I'm more] than beautiful. It feels like every day and every interaction," she said.

That can include fending off nasty messages she gets on social media or contending with presumptuous men who are fixing her car.

"They ask me what my husband or father does for a living," she said. "A lot of people fully assume that there is a man taking care of me.


"There's always that fear that I'll be mistreated and certainly ripped off," she said.

She argues that so many people see a pretty woman – especially one who knows she's pretty and embraces it – and make up their minds: "She must be vain. Or she must have nothing else to offer."

Lindsey explained: "On the one hand, people think you're playing into what men want you to be. And on the other hand, there's always been this trope that to be beautiful, you must also be stupid.

"In a patriarchal society, a woman can't win no matter what. If you're ugly, you're not wanted, you're undesirable, and no one's looking at you.


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"If you're beautiful, they had to come up with something, so they went with stupid and it's really caught on," she explained.

Lindsey pointed out that this cliché – pretty, dumb girls – is everywhere, in TV shows, movies, magazines, and books.

"The stories were concocted to keep a couple of people in power and in charge and benefitting from these stereotypes," she said.

"I don't buy them."
