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Struggling to sleep? How decluttering your bedroom could be the secret to drift off in minutes

AS much as we'd love to get a solid eight hours of sleep every night and wake up with a spring in our step, sometimes life has other plans.

Well if you've been struggling to drift off then you're certainly not alone.

One in five Brits struggle to sleep every night - and your bedroom could make a world of difference
One in five Brits struggle to sleep every night - and your bedroom could make a world of differenceCredit: Getty

Last year, a survey found that one in five Brits have difficulty sleeping every single night.

And while we all know to avoid caffeine late in the day and to try avoid spending too much time on our devices, the study found cluttered bedrooms could be playing a part in our restlessness too.

Here ' Nic Shacklock shares their top tips for clearing out your living space.

“Decluttering your bedroom isn’t a five minute job. It’s one that takes time, and requires a bit of a ruthless streak to part with items you no longer wear, want or need," they said.


“Our advice is to start small. Simply making the bed and tidying away anything on flat surfaces is a great place to start and will make a difference straight away.

"Move on to blitzing your wardrobe, decorations and soft furnishing and even donating any furniture you don't need.”

Make the bed

It might sound simple - but making your bed makes a world of difference to your living space. Leave it unmade and your bedroom will always look cluttered and a mess.

Start the day by getting the bed made, cushions back on and straight away it will be a more restful space.

Declutter flat surfaces

Bedside tables, drawers and windowsill are magnets for clutter! If the surface is flat then you are bound to put something on it.

Declutter these areas first and get rid of anything that shouldn’t be in the bedroom. Find a home for it somewhere else or set aside to take to charity.

Unwanted furniture

If your room is cluttered with furniture, do you really need or use it all? For example, is the chair in the corner used or do you just use it to throw clothes on?

If the answer is the latter, sell the chair and put the clothes away or in the wash basket instead.

Sort your wardrobe

Be ruthless when it comes to sorting through clothes and shoes. If you haven’t worn them recently, do you really need them? If clothes are too small or large, get rid.

The same with shoes. If you like to swap your clothes over each season, think about storing those you’re not wearing in vacuum bags. These take up much less space and can be easily stored in the bottom of your wardrobe.

Blitz the decorations

Do you have too many pictures? A windowsill covered in candles? Far too many cushions on the bed?

If your answer is yes, donate them. Less items will straight away make your bedroom feel less cluttered.

Utilise the space

Think about how you use the dead space you have in the room. Is there room under the bed to store items?

What about on top of the wardrobe? These are all places which may get overlooked so make use of them. However don’t use them as a place to hide the items you’re not sure what to do with.

Donating to charity

Once you’ve sorted all those items you no longer want or need, give them away.

Whatever you do, don’t delve back into the bag and start retrieving things.

For more tips, this money saving expert revealed how to bank £260 by Easter with tiny changes.


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