Feeling less than fresh after a boozy weekend? Try these seven foods to beat the hangover
THE FOOTBALL is in full swing and pub visits are back on the menu.
If you've had a heavy weekend on the booze then it's likely you're feeling less than fresh this weekend.
While there's nothing wrong with having a beer or two, if you've over indulged then you could be struggling to get through the day.
One expert has highlighted some foods that could help get you back on your feet if you're feeling fragile.
Sian Baker, registered nutritional therapist at health and wellness testing company said as the UK starts to open up once more, it's to be expected that our alcohol consumption will increase as social gathering become more frequent.
She explained: "After periods of heavy drinking, people can often experience hangover symptoms including dehydration, nausea, headaches, and insomnia - even if you have had a great time out socialising, these symptoms are never nice!
He added: "Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning people pee more when they drink it!
"This in turn leads to dehydration, one of the main causes of those dreaded hangover symptoms.
"Drinking water both during and after consuming alcohol will help prevent you from becoming as dehydrated."
She said: "If you’re feeling a little hungover, a sweaty workout might be the last thing on your mind - but getting a sweat on can work miracles!
"Typical symptoms of a hangover include thirst, fatigue and muscle ache, which means weight training can often feel that little bit harder than usual when suffering a hangover.
"HIIT training is designed to produce maximum sweat.
"In turn this means you will naturally rehydrate your dehydrated body through your workout - causing your kidneys to work overtime, releasing the excess toxins caused by alcohol via your urine, and getting you back to normal that little bit faster!”
Warm up: Walk outs (1 minute), followed by plank hold (1 minute)
Workout - 10 exercises - 2 rounds:
45 seconds on 15 seconds off
Repeat x 2
1. Squat Pulse
2. Squat Jump
3. Squat Toe Tap
4. Starjump
5. Step Lunges
6. Squat Starjump
7. Jump Lunges
8. Plank Shoulder Tap
9. Mountain Climbers
10. Crunches
7. Ginger
Sian said that eating a little bit of ginger is another great way to help reduce feelings of nausea.
"Ginger can reduce inflammation and help to settle your stomach, so why not try adding it to a fresh smoothie with some nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables to rebalance your vitamins and minerals", she said.
If you do have a hangover then it's because you have consumed too much booze.
The NHS says that you should have no more than 14 units of alcohol a week.
A unit is one bottle of beer, a small glass of wine or a single measure of a spirit such as gin or vodka.