We were stunned when landlord issued list of strict house rules – including when we’re ‘allowed’ to turn the heating on
RENTING can be a minefield with sky-high prices, mouldy dishes and someone always leaving crumbs in your butter.
But spare a thought for this group of tenants, who were served a bonkers list of very strict rules by their landlord - including dictating what the house temperature should be.
One disgruntled bloke shared the list to , explaining the homeowner had printed off eight rules - and even made some words bold for emphasis.
He uploaded the 'simple' list online, and pointed out everyone in the house wasn't a teenager any more.
The tenant said: “We found our new landlords ‘Simple House Rules’ before he’s given them out. We’re all in our mid-20s or older.”
The barmy list includes only wearing ‘indoor shoes’ upstairs, not putting any hot pots or pans down on the kitchen countertops, and not touching the thermostat - unless it dips below 18c.
The tenant blasted the landlord for being ‘patronising’, and revealed the bizarre set up - with the owner keeping a ‘locked room’ in the house which they visit every week.
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The renter continued: “It’s the capacity in which we’re being treated like children. It’s patronising beyond belief. We don’t disagree with them, nor have we displayed anything other than these ‘rules’ in our time here.
“Considering he sees us weekend and every other day, he knows what we’re like and how we have been with his property thus far.
“He does not live with us. We have access to all communal areas etc. Apart from one ‘hidden locked living room’ that is ‘his’ (yet uses the tenant one). He visits on Saturdays for admin work.”
Landlord's 'simple' rules
- No outdoor shoes to be worn upstairs, just indoor shoes.
- Any lights which are not in use, can we switch them off. That is, when downstairs cooking and the bedroom lights are left on.
- All glass bottles, jars etc should be placed outside in the small green bin.
- Always leave the kitchen as clean as you would find it. Clean thoroughly after use.
- ONLY touch the heating controls, if the temperature drops to 18 degree C or below. By pressing the heating's button ONCE, to give an hour's boost.
- No naked flames, to be left unattended. That is candles etc.
- NO HOT pots or pans to be placed on the kitchen worksurfaces. Please use metal stand for that purpose.
- Please shut gate after entering and leaving house.
The rules - and the living situation - has racked up dozens of comments, as people reckoned they should move out straight away.
One person wrote: “Looks like you're renting off my Dad. Surprised he hasn't added ‘no one to come in after midnight’.”
Another thought: “It makes the landlord look even more like a serial killer.”
This person commented: “You’d have less rules in prison.”
Although one person understood the landlord’s point of view, saying: “You'd think these are common sense. But I used to live with a 20+ year old housemate, who never cleaned the kitchen after she used it.”
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