Pregnant mum-of-nine spends £900 on her supermarket shop – but cruel bullies troll her as she buys junk food
A MUM has shared her huge supermarket shop for her family of eleven, but cruel trolls have slammed her for buying junk food.
Mum-of-nine Jamerril shared a video on her YouTube channel, Jamerrill Stewart, Large Family Table, showing what she'd recently picked up from Costco, Sharp Shopper, and Walmart.
The YouTube video opens with a down-to-earth shot of Jamerril - who's expecting baby number ten - enjoying some vegan cookie dough, which she says "Jesus must have invented".
Jamerril starts the video with a disclaimer that "there's gonna be a lot of things you're gonna judge me on in this grocery haul", before sharing her supermarket finds, which came to a total of around £900.
The large haul included the food supplies that she'd bought ahead of two of her children's birthdays, as well as the food they'd need for Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Among the shop were, naturally, some less healthy items such as a 24-pack of Cup Noodles for lunches, a multipack of Kool Aid jammers fruit drinks for her kids, pretzel crisps and chicken tikka masala ready meals.
The positive comments on the clip praise her for keeping it real, with many finding comfort in her relatable video.
Some negative comments, which appear to have been taken down, were referenced by other fans: "Anyone who judges you for eating cookie dough must lead a very sad life", one said.
Another said, "I don't see why people would watch your videos and then turn around and judge. I'm always amazed at your energy."
While some had clearly been critical, many leapt to her defence.
Jamerrill also mentions a local homeless shelter she plans to work with, dropping off essential items from her supermarket shops.
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