Mrs Hinch opens up on secret condition which left her covered in bruises after getting viciously trolled
MRS Hinch - aka Sophie Hinchliffe - has taken to Instagram to hit back at trolls who shamed her for wearing a long dress to the beach, opening up about a blood condition which leaves her legs covered in bruises.
The "cleanfluencer" - who has more than 3.7m followers on Instagram - told followers she had been 'pulled apart' by a troll who called her a 'stuck up bitch' for wearing a dress to the beach.
However, Mrs Hinch confessed the reason she wore a long dress was to hide the bruises on her legs, which appeared as a result of her blood condition.
The 30-year-old suffers from an inherited condition called Protein S deficiency and Factor V Leiden.
Protein S deficiency and Factor V Leiden
Factor V Leiden is a mutation of one of the clotting factors in the blood.
Women who carry this mutation are more likely to deveop blood clots during pregnancy or when taking the hormone estrogen.
Protein S is a natural anticoagulant, which works to stop clots forming where they are not needed.
When there is a deficiency of protein S, the natural balance between clotting and protective anti clotting is changed. This increases the risk of thrombosis, especially in the legs.
Source: NHS For Clinicians
As a result, she is more likely to develop blood clots and must take blood thinning medication every day.
In an Instagram Story posted yesterday, Mrs Hinch quoted a mean message she had received which read: "You're such an ugly stuck up bitch, who wears long evening dresses to the beach! I hope you rot in hell."
She explained: "In all honesty I wore this long dress because I wanted to hide my legs. My blood condition is not good right now so I am covered in bruises that I cannot control.
"But why did I bother? As you'll now know about my bruises too!
"So thank you, because of you I will wear my denim shorts next tome and wear them proud!
"Because no matter what I do, I will NEVER please people like you!"
In a second post, the mum-of-one opened up about the nasty messages she receives frequently online, urging her followers be be kind to themselves.
"Pleasing everyone is like chasing a moving target. By trying to do this, we end up pleasing no one, ourselves included.
"You cannot control what others think about you, but you can choose how you talk to yourself."
Mrs Hinch also admitted she tries to empathise with her trolls, because she believed they must be 'unhappy in their own lives' to 'pull her apart' online.
Mrs Hinch previously opened up about her health problems in her book, Hinch Yourself Happy.
She was forced to miss her honeymoon a few years ago after falling ill with a blood clot, suffering back pain and a swollen leg, which left her unable to stand.
She said: "I was so scared I was going to lose my leg.
"I am now on blood thinners for life but I was so lucky with the brilliant treatment I received and I feel incredibly blessed."
In other Mrs Hinch news, we told you how her husband defended her after horrible comments left her‘disappointed and hurt’.