The bizarre things divorcing couples have rowed over revealed, from a Henry the Hoover to a doll’s house
A TOP lawyer firm has revealed the most bonkers items divorcing couples have fought over - including a Henry the hoover and a doll’s house.
Hawkins Family Law Firm shared a list of the most unusual items bitter ex-lovers have argued about - and bizarrely coasters came out on top.
Pets were a running theme in disputes, with parrots, dogs and even dog clothes being contested.
But there were also some unsurprising entries, with couples locked in a divorce battle fighting over engagement rings and family heirlooms.
Other trivial things unhappy spouses went to war over were a selection of Star Wars figurines, an antique mirror and a vintage fruit bowl.
Commenting on the couple who both wanted the parrot, lawyers revealed: "This was an old family pet – there were no children and so the parrot had been the child.
Top 10 items couples have fought over
- M&S drinks coasters
- A pet parrot
- Dogs’ clothes
- Star Wars figurines
- Great Dane dogs
- Antique mirror
- Henry the hoover
- A doll's house
- Grandma’s vintage fruit bowl
- Engagement rings
"Ultimately the parrot came to court in a taxi covered over and the couple agreed to have shared time with it."
And revealing what happened to the dogs, they added: “The great danes had played a major role in the wedding ceremony and were again like the children of the couple meaning their significance was huge.
"Notwithstanding the cost and space that was required to care for them the couple eventually agreed a shared ‘custody’ arrangement."
And even after the legal eagles offered to buy more coasters for the couple at war over their set, this still wasn't enough for the angry ex-husband and wife.
Lawyers revealed: “This was a long, difficult case with little money which is why arguing over drinks coasters was so tough – even when I offered to buy more that did not solve the issue.
It is very common for some parties to become wrapped up in a dispute over items
Phillip Hunter
"The inability to let go of the relationship was the issue here.”
Phillip Hunter, a solicitor at Hawkins Family Law Firm, said: “Many of these types of disputes allow the parties to focus on an item in order to play out the wider dispute within a discrete microcosm.
“Frequently, those disputes represent parties looking to exert control, whether as a reflection of wider coercive or controlling behaviour in their former relationship, or as a tough stance as part of a wider negotiating strategy.
"It is very common for some parties to become wrapped up in a dispute over items which are simply not cost proportionate to litigate over.
“With the help of legal representation, it is important to try and take a step back and look at the bigger picture, recognising the difference of an item’s value against its worth."
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