Smart mum builds a secret curtain to hide the TV from her toddler and it stops his tantrums and reduces screen time
MANY parents are having to find ways to entertain their kids all day - ideally without resorting to plonking them in front of the TV for hours.
A savvy mum has revealed her smart hack for reducing her toddler’s demands to watch his favourite TV shows all day.
She said her two-and-a-half-year-old son would throw tantrums when she refused to let him watch TV or movies from early in the morning.
To combat this, she came up with a clever method to divert his attention.
Posting on Reddit she said: “I couldn’t STAND to have my 2.5 yr old son asking to watch TV / Movies not only first thing in the AM, but also throughout the day. Tantrums. Begging. I hated it.”
She decided to hide her TV using a curtain with the idea that if it was out of sight, it would be out of his mind - and her method worked after one day.
She said she would open the curtain in the evening and they would watch a show together, but the young boy had stopped asking all day long.
The mum added: “This weekend he mostly asked to go outside & go to the yard, and even when we DID watch TV, he played with his toys instead of staring at the screen!! YAY!!”
Many people shared their own parenting tricks, including a dad who said his four-year-old child can only watch TV when it is dark as they told him it doesn’t work when it is sunny.
Another Reddit user added: “That’s fabulous! I occasionally tell my daughter ‘the TV is charging’ as a no tv excuse because she understands charging phones and toys sometimes need charging."
Others said they cover the TV with a sheet or blanket, but said her curtains look more stylish.
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