Neighbour demands mum only lets toddler out for 15 minutes a day as his giggling upsets the dogs in brutal note

A WOMAN has revealed the brutal note she claims she got from a neighbour which requested she only let her toddler outside for just 15 minutes a day.
She shared a screenshot of the strongly-worded note on Twitter, which said the child’s “giggling” was “very disruptive” for their dogs.
It read: “Dear ‘neighbor’, You moved to the neighborhood a year ago and I wanted to give you time to correct this problem on your own, but you are apparently too inconsiderate to do so.
“Every day this week, when the weather has been nice and windows are open, you proceed to let your small child run free in your backyard and laugh and giggle and carry on without end.
“This is very disruptive for my two dogs and my bird who sits next to the window and like to look in your yard [sic].
“Perhaps you could ask him to tone it down a bit, or at least limit his outside time to 15 - 20 minutes a day so my dogs can be outside without seeing him running around.”
The typed note then took an even more serious tone, with the neighbour threatening to take the matter further.
The woman, who appears to be based in the US, uploaded a photo of the note in full, with the caption: “Yes this is real”.
It finished: “If this kind of behavior persists, I WILL CALL THE POLICE!”
Although the note can’t be substantiated, it hasn’t stopped it being shared over 26,000 times.
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One person joked: “I think you need to buy your child a horn”, to which the woman replied: “I was thinking a drum set.”
Another added: “Let them call the police. The police could use a good laugh.”
And one person said: “Let that person call the police. They are going to look insane. Give your child large, loud musical instruments or pots and pans to bang!!!”
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