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WITH many of us faced with the daunting task of keeping the kids entertained at home in the coming weeks, parents are coming up with novel ways to keep them busy.

And one mum has revealed how she created a lifesize dinosaur themed board game in her home without spending a penny.

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A mum has revealed the clever dinosaur themed board game she created for her daughter without spending a penny
A mum has revealed the clever dinosaur themed board game she created for her daughter without spending a pennyCredit: FB/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group

Taking to the Facebook group, , the anonymous mum shared her “genius” creation.

Using props the family already had around the home, she devised a game called Dino-land.

The game rules see players roll the dice making their way around the home, or the “infested forest” while avoiding being eaten by the dinosaurs.

If you land on a space with a carnivore take three steps back, a herbivore will have you star jumping until your next go and a volcano sees you miss a go.

The aim of the game is to reach the camp first without being eaten
The aim of the game is to reach the camp first without being eaten Credit: FB/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group
The mum shared the rules for the game with fellow parents in coronavirus lockdown
The mum shared the rules for the game with fellow parents in coronavirus lockdown Credit: FB/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group

The first back to camp is the overall winner.

Captioning her post the mum wrote: “Thought I’d share our idea might help some bored kids/parents out plus it’s FREE.

“Instead of board games me and my little girl made a game come to life.

“She absolutely loves dinosaurs and we had loads of stuff left from her birthday so we spent all day yesterday making all the bits we made the map and called it Dino-land but you can do any theme we’ve had a really fun morning.”

The mum used items she already had around the house to create the game
The mum used items she already had around the house to create the gameCredit: FB/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group
The route even takes the player through a ball pit
The route even takes the player through a ball pit Credit: FB/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group
Fellow parents have praised her creative idea
Fellow parents have praised her creative idea Credit: FB/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group

And fellow group members were seriously impressed, praising the mum’s idea in the comments.

One wrote: “Brilliant! So many great ideas from people!”

Another agreed adding: “Amazing idea,thanks so much for posting,my son has already built his dino park so we'll be doing this later!”


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