Woman’s extremely elaborate plaited hair is mocked online by people who claim it ‘looks like a willy’

ADMIT it – as a teenager, being able to French plait hair was THE most important skill in the world. That, and also having the freedom to dye your hair bubblegum pink at a moment’s notice.

But when you combine those two things? Let’s just say, you end up with a rather dodgy result…

Twitter users have been in stitches over this rather phallic plait

A photo of a woman’s extremely elaborate pink plait has been doing the rounds on Twitter after users pointed out just how much “it looks like a willy”.

THERE – we said it.

Inviting her followers to look a little closer, Twitter user Roberta Rocha shared a photo of impressive plaits online with the caption: “You can only see it once.”

While there’s certainly no denying the plaits are impressive, it’s the thick braid around the back of the woman’s head which has been widely mocked online.



While one user pointed out how the plaits looked like ‘veins’, another joked about how they had to do a ‘double take’

Not to mention the level of detail running down the length of her hair which users have – rather bleakly – pointed out look somewhat like “veins”. *Shivers*

Imagining what went through the woman’s head when she requested the braids, one user joked: “Hair dresser: “What can I do for you today?

“Lady: I’d like an illusion of a d**k.

Hairdresser: Say no more.”


After they saw it, other users couldn’t UNSEE the phallic nature of the pink plait

Journalist and author retweeted the image to her 37,000 followers who were also left baffled by the odd likeness.

Agreeing that the hairstyle definitely has a phallic nature, one user replied: “Same. I’m on the bus. Weird start to my day.”

Another added: “OMG me too, I had to double take at it.”

Note to self: maybe it’s time to lay off the French plaits for a while.


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