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DEAR DEIDRE: WITH debts piling up, I resorted to setting up an OnlyFans account. I hate myself for doing it but can’t see another way out.

I am a 25-year-old woman. My partner is 27 and he is training to be a paramedic.

He is absolutely the love of my life and has no idea about my content on the online platform.

We have been together for almost eight months. He is kind and caring, and everything I want in a partner.

Before I met him, I was engaged to another guy — who liked to throw his money around.

I discovered he was cheating on me with someone in our social group.

We were renting a flat together but he just walked out.

It was only then that I discovered how much debt we were in. We had a joint account I’ve been left to try to pay off our overdraft and two loans ever since he left.

A couple of my friends have ­OnlyFans accounts and they earn decent money.

I don’t earn a lot from my job, managing a small gift shop, and could see a way out of my debt trap by starting my own account.

Although I was seriously uncomfortable about it, I quickly had men following me.

But lately, I am being asked to do more and more risky things.

I felt disgusted after one guy asked me to do something I was uncomfortable with. It was horrible.

This is not what I signed up for. Still, if I want to repay my debts, I feel I will have to get on with it.

Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy

Right now, I just cannot see any other way out.

But I am so scared that my ­boyfriend will find out.

I haven’t told him about my debt worries or how I am sorting them.

DEIDRE SAYS: As you’ve discovered, selling sex online comes at a high emotional price, despite the extra cash.

You will do long-term damage to yourself if you carry on pushing your natural feelings to one side and potentially wreck your relationship too.

Pluck up the courage to talk to your boyfriend about your money worries.

Make sure he knows you are not looking for him to help, but that you want to share this with him. He may come up with other ideas for earning extra cash or nego­tiating with your debtors.

Contact the National Debtline (nationaldebtline.org, 0808 808 4000). My support pack Solving Debt Problems will help too.
