My partner won’t listen when I tell him I don’t like it when he shoves a hand up my skirt

The sex is very impersonal, and I often feel I’m only there for his pleasure

DEAR DEIDRE: EVERY time I hug my partner he takes it as an opportunity to grope my boobs or shove a hand up my skirt.

I’ve told him I don’t like it – sometimes, he squeezes my breasts so hard that it hurts – but he doesn’t listen.


He’s 54, I’m 49 and we’ve been together for five years.

He also wants me to talk dirty to him during sex, making me say things I find really disturbing.

The sex is very impersonal, and I often feel I’m only there for his pleasure.

As soon as it’s over, he ignores me.


I think the problem started when he was out of work for a few months and got into the habit of watching online porn and cam girls every day.

I kept asking him to stop but he said it was no worse than looking at social media.

He tells me that he’s stopped now, but I don’t know if that’s true.

Unless he‘s groping me, he ignores me. He blocks out everything I say like it’s white noise. I just get on with doing the housework.


I left an abusive marriage ten years ago and I don’t have the strength to end another relationship.

I love days when he goes to work because I feel less lonely when he’s not here.

Dear Deidre: Understanding why your man's gone off sex

DEIDRE SAYS: Nobody is allowed to grope you without your permission.

Even though you’re in a relationship, non-consensual touching would still be classified as sexual assault.
