Sun Club

My lazy stepson, 24, treats our house like it’s a hotel and I’m at the end of my tether

From the day he moved in he’s caused us nothing but issues

DEAR DEIDRE: MY stepson treats our house like a hotel.

Whether he’s making a mess, eating our food, or refusing to pay rent, he’s constantly taking advantage and I’m at the end of my tether.


I’m 52, my wife is 54 and we’ve been married for seven years.

Her son is 24 and moved in with us nine months ago in order to save money to buy a house.

Initially, I didn’t mind, I figured it was only temporary and I was willing to help.

Yet, since the day he moved in he’s caused us nothing but issues.

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Not only are we constantly cleaning up after him, but he’s yet to find a full-time job or even save a penny.

While we didn’t ask for much, we’d agreed he’d pay a small fee every month to contribute, but he’s been unable to even give us that.

I’m not sure if he has any intention of ever leaving and my wife is too soft to say anything to him.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your stepson is taking advantage and it’s time you set some proper boundaries.


Pick a moment to speak to your wife and explain that this can’t go on any longer.

You need to stand up to him and tell him that if he doesn’t sort himself out and contribute, then he needs to find somewhere else to live.

Perhaps you could agree to a time limit.

My support pack Standing Up For Yourself will help you have this conversation.
