Thank you

You helped me leave my alcoholic partner when I found out I was pregnant

DEAR DEIDRE: I was on the verge of breaking up with my good-for-nothing partner when I found out I was pregnant.

He drank far too much and was unreliable and untrustworthy, but I was scared about being a single mother.


I wrote to you for guidance, as I wasn’t sure if I should stay with him, or even if I should keep the baby.

I’m 33 and he’s 35.

You said I needed to be honest. Perhaps if he knew I was pregnant and planning to leave, he might agree to seek help for his drinking.

You also sent me your support packs Dealing With A Problem Drinker and Unplanned Pregnancy. After thinking things through and talking, I decided to have the baby and to end the relationship.

and the Dear Deidre team will get back to you.

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DEIDRE SAYS: It sounds like you’ve made the right decision for everyone. Your now ex-partner will have a legal obligation to provide for the baby.

I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly and that the future is good.
