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Thank you

You helped me and my wife get our sex life back

DEAR DEIDRE: When my wife said she’d rather go to bed with a good book than have sex with me, I was distraught.

Sex had always been a very ­important part of our relationship, and I wasn’t ready to give it up.

I’m 48 and she’s 49.

Suddenly, if I went near her, let alone touched or kissed her, she’d accuse me of treating her like a piece of meat.

I was at the point of moving into the spare room when I decided to write to you for advice.

You sent me your support packs, Reviving A Woman’s Sex Drive and Love And The Mature Woman.

You also urged me to be honest about my feelings and fears for our marriage.

I took your advice.

She admitted she’d been feeling stressed with work and unhappy about putting on weight.

I reassured her that I still loved and desired her, but missed intimacy.

After our heart-to-heart, we both got emotional, and ended up making love.

Since then, things are much better. We feel closer than ever.

Thank you.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Sex is a form of communication between a couple.

That’s why talking honestly can often help to overcome problems in bed too.

I’m happy you are back on track.

