When my granddaughter was distraught over her dad, you helped me support her
DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN my distraught granddaughter cried because her dad had let her down again, my heart wept for her.
I desperately wanted to help. She’s just six years old. I’m her 58-year-old grandad.
My daughter split up with the father of my granddaughter when she was tiny. He was always trouble.
Now he comes in and out of my granddaughter’s life when he chooses.
He might act like a great dad for a while, but then disappears without warning, leaving her heartbroken.
The last straw was when he didn’t turn up on her birthday, despite his promises.
You told me to reassure her that her dad’s behaviour was in no way her fault, and advised her mum to talk to her school so they were aware of what was going on.
You sent me your support pack Worried About Mum And Dad, so I could understand things from her perspective and suggested I call Family Lives for advice (, 0808 800 2222).
My granddaughter now knows that I’m there for her, whatever her dad does.
Thank you, Deidre.
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DEIDRE SAYS: She is lucky to have such a kind, loving and understanding grandfather.
I hope her dad comes good but, if not, at least she has you to pick up the pieces.