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My ex took my dog during our break up to spite me – How do I get him back?

DEAR DEIDRE: IF breaking up with my long-term girlfriend wasn’t already painful enough, she decided to take our dog with her too.

I’m devastated because she was always so vocal about her dislike for him, so I know that she only did it to spite me.

We’re both 32. We dated for six years and lived together for four.

We split up three weeks ago. No one cheated – we just fell out of love with each other.

I think we’d been holding on to the relationship for months hoping it would work, but ultimately I made the decision to break up.

Initially, I thought it was amicable and mutual, but things turned sour very quickly.

While we have no kids, we did adopt a beautiful Dachshund.  I always took care of him and spent the most time with him so I assumed it would be me that kept him.

Yet when she left she took him with her without any discussion.

Ever since I’ve been begging her to get him back but she won’t answer my calls.

I miss him so much and I’m worrying she won’t be looking after him as well as I would.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Of course you will be devastated by your ex using your dog to get back at you.

If you have tried everything to get in contact and she is still having none of it then you may need to take this further.

In the UK pets are considered property from a legal standpoint. So if you have proof of ownership in your name, then it’s possible you can pursue a claim against her.

You can find more information from Blue Cross ().

You may need to seek legal advice and you can find out more through . 

