My wife’s obsession with taking family photos is ruining our marriage

DEAR DEIDRE: MY wife’s obsession to get perfect family photos is starting to ruin our marriage. 

It’s at the point where we can’t leave the house without getting the camera out. Despite my efforts, the photos are never good enough. 


I’m 42, she is 38 and we have two children together. 

Going out anywhere as a family is a nightmare as my wife has become obsessed with photographing it all.

Whether we’re out for lunch, a walk, or even just a trip to the shops, she has to get a photo – then she’s never happy with the pictures. 

The kids get bored and mess around and she gets stressed. It always ends up in a huge argument. I try my best to be understanding but she always blows up at me.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sorry to hear about this. While it’s understandable your wife wants photos to look back on, it’s clear this is causing a rift in your relationship.

It would be best if you found a calm moment to talk to her about the way her actions are affecting you. 

Tell her you are happy to take pictures but need to reach a compromise.


Perhaps you can limit the number of photos you take or make an agreement that on certain days the camera goes away.

I’m sending you my support pack, Standing Up For Yourself, to help.
