My granddaughter was suspended for vaping in school but she doesn’t care
DEAR DEIDRE: MY granddaughter was caught vaping in the toilets at school and has been suspended – but she says she doesn’t care.
She is 14 and is going off the rails. I’m her 64-year-old grandad and I am worried for her future.
How can I help her mum keep her on the straight and narrow?
She was always a lovely girl, until she hit puberty and started acting up. I wonder if something happened to her.
Everything is someone else’s fault. She takes no responsibility for her actions and doesn’t listen to any sensible adults, just her friends.
At home, she swears and throws things. She also sneaks out in the middle of the night to see her friends.
Unsurprisingly, her mum, who is my daughter, is at her wits’ end and blames herself as she’s a single mother.
But she’s always been a great mum and I know it’s not her fault. I’m worried if my granddaughter doesn’t change her behaviour soon, she’ll end up in real trouble.
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DEIDRE SAYS: Many teenagers do push the boundaries, and usually it’s just a difficult phase.
But it sounds like you’re concerned her behaviour is more than mere teenage rebellion.
Try talking to her gently and see if she’ll open up to you.
Maybe you could write her a note and include details of The Mix () – a support service for under-25s – so she has someone to talk to in confidence.
My support pack, Troubled Teenagers, should help too.
You can also call Family Lives (, 0808 800 2222) for advice.