Making contact with my ex to tell her we’d contracted chlamydia has stirred me up

DEAR DEIDRE: JUST as I was starting to get over my ex-girlfriend dumping me, I found out she had given me chlamydia.

I had to tell her we were infected, and talking to her stirred up my old feelings.


We’re both 23 and were together for three months until she got a job in a different city and decided a long-distance relationship wouldn’t work.

I had fallen for her and might even have moved if she’d given me the choice.

I’ve been heartbroken for the past month. I also noticed it hurt when I peed.

My flatmate persuaded me to go to the doctor and, after tests, I got a call to say I had chlamydia.


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As my ex is the only person I’ve slept with, she must have given it to me.

I messaged her to tell her. She was shocked but pleased I’d been honest.

Now we’ve been back in contact, I feel heartbroken again. I miss her so much.

DEIDRE SAYS:  You’ve done the right thing in getting tested and telling her about your chlamydia.


My support pack, Sexual Health Worries, has more information on this.

Although this has reopened old wounds, it will get easier.

If she wasn’t totally committed, it’s better you split before you upended your life for her.

As being in contact made things worse, don’t message her and unfollow her on social media.


Read my support pack, Mending A Broken Heart, for help.

Pictures posed by models.
