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My stepmum is blocking my dream of getting on the property ladder

DEAR DEIDRE: I WANT to get on the ­property ladder but my stepmum is preventing my dream from becoming a reality.

I’m 24 and since gradu­ating I have been working my socks off as a trainee engineer.

My dad owns his own electrical company and has always promised that if I completed my degree and secured a job, he would help me with a deposit.

He knows I can’t stand ­living at home as I don’t get on with his wife.

She is a freeloader and expects my dad to pay for everything.

Whenever I bring up the topic of property she always persuades Dad to delay helping me. It’s causing a rift between us.


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DEIDRE SAYS: Many people your age are finding it hard to get a mortgage.

If your dad isn’t ready to help you, you may be happier in a house share with a friend?

Try to talk to your dad alone so you can plan realistically for your future.

My support pack Step Family Problems might help.
