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My best friend has done a disappearing act on me – I’m heartbroken

DEAR DEIDRE: MY best friend has done a disappearing act on me and I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong.

I’ve tried my best to stay in touch, but after six months of no contact, I’m beginning to wonder if I should let go.

I’m 29, he’s 27 and we’ve been friends for three years.

Since the day we met, we’ve always been close, and have shared many memories together. I thought I could always rely on him.

But, in the last few months, it’s as if he’s vanished. My texts remain unanswered and my calls ignored.

I know I should stop making an effort, but I really miss him.

I can’t wrap my head around it. Why have I been ghosted?

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DEIDRE SAYS: I see how disappointed you must be feeling, we can often underestimate how hurtful it is to be let down by a pal.

Unfortunately, as we grow older people change and sometimes friendships run their course and fizzle out.

If you’ve made the effort to keep your relationship together and he’s not up for trying, as hard as it is, it might be best to leave things as they are.

