I pinch sexy underwear off my neighbours washing line to cross dress
DEAR DEIDRE: ROLL on summer – when people peg out their lingerie on the washing line so I can steal it.
I’m a 23-year-old guy and have always enjoyed cross-dressing. I love the way it feels next to my skin, so sexy.
I don’t have a job so I can’t afford to buy my own stuff. And I don’t have any sisters.
My mother doesn’t wear anything alluring but I’ve got a few younger neighbours and they like the satin and silk underwear and lacy thongs.
When they go to work, I sneak into their gardens and take things off the line. But I’m worried I’ll get caught.
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DEIDRE SAYS: Yes, I’d worry you’ll get caught too, especially as more people have cameras and home security these days.
You need to stop doing this now.
Instead, purchase items which make you feel good from auction sites or from charity shops.
Find support through (01582 412 220).
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