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My wife’s spending habits are leading us into financial ruin

DEAR DEIDRE: EVEN though my business is going down and we’re facing financial ruin, my wife won’t work or cut back on spending.

Her selfishness is putting me under so much pressure, and I’m worried we’ll end up bankrupt and homeless.

I’ve explained how tight things are and that we can’t manage on my income alone but it’s like talking to a brick wall
I’ve explained how tight things are and that we can’t manage on my income alone but it’s like talking to a brick wall

I’m 40 and she’s 36. We have two children, aged ten and eight.

She went back to college during the pandemic to retrain but now she’s decided she likes the student life.

I’ve explained how tight things are and that we can’t manage on my income alone but it’s like talking to a brick wall.

I understand she wants to improve herself but when there’s more money going out than coming in, she needs to make sacrifices too.

Yet she won’t give up her car and share mine, or stop having her weekly blow-dries.

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How can I make her understand she needs to get a part-time job at the very least?

I am starting to feel angry and resentful.

DEIDRE SAYS: Money is the issue couples argue about the most.

She’s burying her head in the sand but it’s not fair for you to deal with the pressure alone and she needs to compromise.


You must sit down and spell out your concerns so she understands how worried you are.

My support pack, Looking After Your Relationship, should help you have this difficult conversation, and Family Finances will help you plan together.
