My partner likes to control everything I do and I can’t see a way out
DEAR DEIDRE: My partner likes to control everything I do and I can’t see a way out
I’m 39 and he’s 42. We have been together for four years and have a three-year-old son.
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I knew my biological clock was ticking and was desperate to have a family.
I rushed into our relationship without knowing what kind of man he really is.
He’s told me to kill myself before. If it weren’t for our son, I probably would have by now.
He threatens to leave me and each time I beg him not to go. He’s right, I am weak and pathetic.
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Even though he’s awful, I can’t help feeling dependent on him.
Besides, I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to. He cut up my credit card and only allows me a small weekly allowance for our food shop.
Most read in Dear Deidre
DEIDRE SAYS: He is being emotionally and financially abusive.
You are not weak and pathetic. You have already realised that what your partner is doing is wrong – and that takes a lot of strength.
Though you may think you love him, you owe it to yourself and your son to escape this dangerous situation.
With the right support, you can leave. Get advice through the National Domestic Abuse Helpline (0808 2000 247) or .
I am also sending you my support pack Abusive Partner? which has more useful guidance.