How the page works and how to contact us

Over the years, we’ve had more deniers than Covid-19. But the truth is this - each and every letter we print originated from a real reader. 

Each week we receive more than 200 letters, emails and Facebook messages asking for advice on a host of subjects.

Whatever your worry, you’re not alone - the Dear Deidre team will be able to help

The country’s best-loved advice page Dear Deidre was run by Deidre for over 40 years, during which time she and her team helped more than seven million readers. 

Having stepped down from The Sun in December 2020, Deidre has handed the reins over to her mentee; journalist and trained counsellor Sally Land. 

How does the service work?

Our team of counsellors and journalists work tirelessly to answer each and every letter, usually within 24 hours on weekdays. 


Our inboxes are checked regularly to pick out urgent problems - this includes unexpected pregnancies, anyone feeling suicidal, those struggling with debt and anyone at risk of abuse.  

Then we turn to answering every letter with an individual response - and as far as we’re aware, we’re the only problem page still doing this. 

Often the conversations and support continues over days, weeks and even months - we have a system of following up with anyone who sounds seriously distressed to check how they’re doing.

Our service is invaluable in an age where funding for support is at an all-time low and the cost of counselling is prohibitively high for many - private counselling can cost anywhere between £10 and £70 a session. 


Alongside their explanations and advice, our counsellors will often attach one of our 250 digital support packs, offering guidance on a whole host of subjects. 

Many of those who write in are also referred to specialist organisations and a wide range of self-help groups that can help them further. 

Each week we receive ‘thank you’ letters from our readers, grateful for helping them solve their problems on everything from infertility, heartbreak and abuse. 

Writing the problem page 


Only a portion of readers’ letters are selected for the column but these don’t appear until weeks, sometimes months after the original email was sent in.

We never identify readers, always change essential details to protect individuals and have their duty of care front and centre of everything we do.

How to contact us

No issue is too small, too trivial, or too difficult, and so if we can be of any help to you, please email
