My daughter will not allow me to visit her new baby due to coronavirus

DEAR DEIDRE: BECAUSE of Covid fears, my daughter is terrified something is going to happen to her new baby and will not allow me to visit.

She is 27 and my granddaughter is six weeks old. But I still haven’t seen her despite me isolating for two weeks.

My daughter will not allow me to visit her new baby due to coronavirus

I am upset that I won’t get to hold her while she’s a baby. I’m 52.

My daughter rings me every day in tears worried something is wrong with the baby when she cries.

I’ve told her it’s normal to worry when you’re a new mum and I would help if she let me visit.

Her husband doesn’t change or shower when he gets home from work, yet I can’t visit.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I know how special it feels to hold a newborn grandchild but babies need us to distance from them too unless we are in their “bubble”.

Covid worries are adding to what may be your daughter’s postnatal depression.

Suggest she talks to a GP or postnatal clinic and sees (0808 196 1776) for guidance on perinatal mental illness.

Meanwhile, have a daily Zoom call to enjoy your granddaughter and suggest dad takes more precautions.

A coronavirus is removed from a piece of a polymer bank note

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