MASTERCHEF’S Gregg Wallace has proposed to his girlfriend, which will make her
The star popped the question last week to Anne-Marie Sterpini, 21 years his
junior, after a two-year romance.
Last night, Gregg, who crashed out of this year’s Strictly in the second week,
told TVBiz: “I’ve never been happier.”
The former South London greengrocer met caterer Anne-Marie through Twitter in
early 2013 and they later moved in together.
He previously said he wanted to wed her but has only now officially proposed.
Gregg’s first wife, Christine, left him after six weeks in 1991.
He married Denise in 1999, with whom he stayed five years and had two
children, Tom and Libby.
Marriage to Heidi ended in 2012 after 18 months.
A source said: “Gregg has not had the easiest time in love.
“But he is convinced this time is different. He adores Anne-Marie, they have
lots in common and get on incredibly well.
“The wedding will be some time next year and you can guarantee the food will
be great.”