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World’s tallest treehouse leafs trees in the shade

THE world’s tallest treehouse towers into the sky on a heavenly mission that
puts most childhood hideaways to shame.

Devout builder Horace Burgess spent 11 years building the incredible structure
after he said he got the nod from GOD to start work.

It is an amazing 10 storeys tall – comprising 10,000 square feet of living
space – and cost just £7,500 thanks to the liberal use of recycled

Inside, it resembles a castle with a spiral staircase, choir loft, balconies –
and a BASKETBALL court.

Horace has said: “I was praying one day, and the Lord said, ‘If you build me a
treehouse, I’ll see you never run out of material’.

“I built it for everybody. It’s God’s treehouse. He keeps watch over it.”

The worlds largest treehouse, located in Crossville Tennesse, makes the Swiss Family Robinsons look like a bunch of amateurs - but that might be because it was commissioned by god. The 1960 Disney film about a family on an island, features an impressive treehouse complete with its own watermill. But the Robinsons home pales in significance next to this structure, which took builder Horace Burgess 11 years to build. Horace, who live in the 10 storey wooden house, begun the build in 1993 after he received the go-ahead from God.


Photographer Tom Whetton, 63, captured the 97ft high building in Crossville,
Tennessee, US, in these stunning photographs.

He said: “The treehouse is incredibly impressive.

“You can’t really appreciate the scale until you are standing next to it but
it is absolutely huge.

“I was told that the whole thing is supported by just six trees and that
Horace used 258,000 nails to put everything together.

“This house is every kids dream. Even I wanted to go inside and explore.”